Sunday, July 25, 2010

Source Evaluation

I have been trying all morning to access the Proquest site so that I could cite the article that I am using for my paper. The site is down because of technical difficulties until this afternoon and I have to work at noon, so that is why I just posted the link above instead of the correct citation. This article is about a woman that is a huge fan of Atwood and believes her to be a kind of psychic that can predict certain things in the future. The article is her account of what happened and how she felt about the experience. When I first stumbled across this article I had to read it twice to make sure that I was actually right in thinking that this article tied my thesis together perfectly. So thank you Atwood. My paper is about how I think that Atwood could have been writing more of a warning of things to come than just trying to make an interesting book.

Martin, Rick. "The Most Powerful Man In The World? THE "BLACK" POPE." Spectrum Magazine 4/15/2000: n. pag. Web. 25 Jul 2010. .

The second site is an interview from Spectrum magazine in April of 2000 in which Rick Martin (Editor and Owner of Spectrum) interviews Eric Jon Phelps who is a historian and an American conspiracy theorist. Who concentrates his studies on the Roman Catholic Church, the Black Pope, and the Knights of Malta. All of which he believes are a part of a new world order that is secretly running every aspect or our world from the inside: From our economic crisis to the wars in the middle east, to the assassination of many top officials in history, including JKF and President Lincoln. The reason that I chose this interview is because it covers the time period in which Atwood wrote her book in.
Whether Spectrum magazine can be considered reputable or not is of some question. Being that with any religion or government, and the conspiracies that lie within, there is always some suspicion and even the smartest and most knowledgeable historians and scientists can’t tell what is real and what isn’t.
The article has quite a few citations at the end to confirm what was stated in the interview: Some of which are from the books that Eric Phelps wrote. Others are religious documents. While the statements in the interview seem very logical it is once again up to personal beliefs and open to ridicule. The information on the internet is overwhelming when it comes to these events and discussions.
While the copy of this article was pulled from a religious website it can be found in numerous places on the net. This one was the easiest to read and also has the creepy picture of The Black Pope. The website is just the article, no advertisements or pop-ups. Strictly information and that’s the way I prefer it.

Reading back on what I have wrote I understand that it may seem far fetched and full of speculation. Yet isn’t some of the best history seemingly unbelievable at certain points? I hope that you agree with me in that the world should be questioned. I mean why not? Doesn’t the world constantly question us?

For even more conspiracies: (once again it will not link the url)

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